We invite all youth from grades 6 – 12 to join us, regardless of background

Coming Together, Following Christ.

Here at Alliance Youth we desire to draw near to Christ and each other through worship, the study of God’s Word, and large and small group activities. It is our passion to equip students to follow Jesus.


Our Summer Schedule is combined 6-12th grade and involves greater outdoor activity time accompanied by a large group message.

Our September-May Academic Year Programming sees our Junior High and Senior High students gathering on different nights. You can expect an activity, a large group message, and small group breakouts at a typical MIDWEEK or CONCEPT gathering.

During the school year, we also meet on Sunday mornings following 9:30am service to dive deeper into God’s word!

Scheduled Events


UNPLUGGED is a monthly Board Game Night for 6th-12th grade students. Come learn a new game or play a classic!

Typically held the first Friday of the month in the Youth House from 7:00pm-9:00pm


  • Mafia NightBroomball
  • Soccer Camp
  • NEXT Conference
  • Avalanche Camp
  • DIG Nights
  • Shred the Red Mountain Biking
  • Axe Throwing
  • And many more!

Come, bring your friends, and join in on annual offerings!

ACY Release Form

*This release covers all ACY events during the listed form dates:
07/01/2024 – 06/30/2025